How do I transfer ownership of my Zaptec charger?

If you're moving and leaving your Zaptec charger behind, you will want to transfer the ownership to the new owner. This guide shows the different ways you can do this. 

Please note: You must be the owner of the charging station to do this.


Transfer ownership in Zaptec app

  1. Log in to the Zaptec app and find the charger you want to transfer to a new owner.
  2. Tap the key symbol that says Access (open or closed).
  3. Tap + Add access.
  4. Enter the email address of the new owner, then select Search.
    If the new owner isn’t already registered in the Zaptec system you need to invite the user.
  5. Choose the Owner and User box to provide access, then select Save.
  6. To remove yourself from the installation, tap the three-dot icon next to your member name (you).
  7. Tap Remove access, and select yes.

The new owner will receive an email once their account is activated.


Transfer ownership via Zaptec Portal

  1. Log in to the Zaptec Portal with the same credentials as you use in the Zaptec app.
  2. Go to Installations and select your installation.
  3. Click Permissions and then +Give permission.
  4. Enter the new owner's email address and click Search. If the new owner isn’t already registered in the Zaptec system you need to invite the user.
  5. Click Next, check the Owner and User box, and click Save.
  6. To remove yourself, click the trashcan under Permissions and confirm by clicking OK.

The new owner will receive an email once their account is activated.





Remove yourself as Owner and let the new owner set up the charger

If your charger is part of a larger parking facility, contact the administrator/owner for instructions on what to do when you are moving. If you're the owner, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Zaptec Portal with the same credentials as you use in the Zaptec app.
  2. Go to Chargers and select the correct charger.
  3. Under Settings, click on the blue checkbox to deactivate the charger.
  4. Scroll down and click Save.
  5. To delete the charge point completely, scroll up again, and remove the serial number from the field. Then click Save.
  6. If you don't want your e-mail linked to the installation, remove yourself as the owner or contact Zaptec support for assistance.

Remember to delete the charge point completely if you want it to appear "new" for the next owner.

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