What is the difference between owner, user and service access


  • User permission on a charger or installation allows for charging when authentication is required
  • Does not provide an overview of the installation / charging station
  • Users can see the charge history for all sessions registered on the account
  • Zaptec Portal provides an overview of which installation/ charging stations the user role has been assigned


Charging station

  • Required to manage access, monitor status and view user data.
  • Owner permission on a Zaptec charger allows you to view all charge history on the charger
  • More features available in Zaptec Portal and App



  • Awarded to users who are set to manage facilities and act as a point of contact with the installer
  • View the charge history for the entire installation
  • Create charge reports, which will enable you to distribute the cost related to charging
  • Manage permissions
  • Set authentication
  • Upgrade firmware
  • Subscribe to warning emails
  • The role does not allow you to change technical settings for either systems or charging stations


  • Required for the installer to be able to keep track of technical settings for systems / charging stations
  • Create new installations
  • Add new chargers
  • Enable power management functions
  • Manage technical setting on installations and chargers
  • Service permission is limited to authorized installers and service partners
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