Zaptec Go OCPP Native release notes


These release notes document the initial release version of the firmware with OCPP native capabilities. Any aspect of the OCPP implementation that diverges from the specification of OCPP 1.6 edition 2 with JSON and errata up to version v4.0 is unintentional and may be corrected in the future. Please inform Zaptec of any such divergencies. 

Known issues

  1. DiagnosticsStatus may be incorrect and misleading if diagnostics log has not been enabled by Zaptec on the specific charger.
  2. CP may not reconnect automatically after CS(MS) sends a specific disconnect event without acknowledging chargers' response within 1 second.
  3. When switching from OCPP Cloud mode to OCPP Native mode, inconsistency can be observed between the total kWh meter value reported by the charger and the sum of all previous OCPP session kWh values. This can occur, for example, if the charger was previously operated on occasion outside the OCPP reporting infrastructure. Where there is a discrepancy, the total kWh meter value reported in OCPP Native mode should be considered accurate, as it is taken directly from the charger's built-in energy meter.

Changes since previous release

  • Various changes related to handling of filesystem.
  • Various changes related to standalone mode.
  • Added configuration key “FreeCharging”  to allow charging without presenting RFID-Token or remoteStartTransaction. 
  • Added configuration key “FreeChargingIdTag” used as a token when charger is set to allow charging without authorisation.
  • Added configuration key “LockCablePermanently” to simulate Chargepoint with “Fixed cable“. When set to true, UnlockCableOnEVSideDisconnect will show as false in a GetConfiguration request and read-only as suggested for chargers with “Fixed cable” in OCPP errata v4.0. When changed back to false, UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnect will show as having its original value in a GetConfiguration request and can be altered with ChangeConfiguration.
  • Changes relevant for users of pre-release version: renamed custom Configuration keys to be consistent with existing OCPP Bridge at 

OCPP Core profile

  • All required operations and configuration keys are supported
  • Authorization cache is supported
  • Configuration key MessageTimeout specified in errata v4.0 is supported
  • Configuration key StopTransactionMaxMeterValues specified in errata v4.0 is supported
  • Optional Configuration key AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId is supported
  • Optional Configuration key AuthorizationCacheEnabled is supported
  • Optional Configuration key ConnectorPhaseRotationMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key LightIntensity is supported
  • Optional Configuration key MeterValuesAlignedDataMaxLength is supported 
  • Optional Configuration key MeterValuesSampledDataMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key MinimumStatusDuration is supported
  • Optional Configuration key StopTxnAlignedDataMaxLength is supported 
  • Optional Configuration key StopTxnSampledDataMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key SupportedFeatureProfilesMaxLength is supported


OCPP Core profile limitations

  • Configuration for BlinkRepeat is not supported
  • Configuration for MaxEnergyOnInvalidId is not supported
  • Configuration keys specified outside of OCPP such as MeterValuesSignatureContexts, StopTransactionSignatureContexts and StopTransactionSignatureFormat mentioned in OCMF are not supported
  • Meter values are always sent as raw
  • Sampled meter value and heartbeat intervals can be set to any number between 0 and 4294967 It has been tested with short intervals and no issue has been observed with 1 second intervals, but this has not been tested with high load or poor network connectivity. Some measurands are sampled at close to 1 second interval and the meter value may therefore be up to approximately 1 second old when sent with OCPP. We do not recommend short meter value intervals.
  • Configuration key for StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect is set to true and not write protected, but can only be set to true by CS. This is to conform to OCPP specification 1.6 prior to errata v4.0
  • CP clock is synchronized with NTP and not CS.
  • CP expects CS to use timestamp in UTC
  • Some optional parameters for BootNotification.req (meterSerialNumber, meterType) is not sent and others (iccid, imsi) may only be sent when LTE has been used prior to bootnotification and after last reset
  • MeterValues are not measured from EV, cable or grid locations
  • Only a few measurands are supported: Current.Import, Current.Offered, Energy.Active.Import.Register, Energy.Active.Import.Interval, Temperature, Voltage
  • CP does not have Emergency stop button
  • StatusNotifications that were generated and not sent before CP detected offline will not be deleted and may be sent after CP re-connects. StatusNotification for state transition while offline will be sent with timestamp for when CP came online.
  • StatusNotifications with errors will not be queued when offline. 
  • Transaction related messages are prioritised if they can be sent, even if they were queued when offline. This may cause other messages to be delayed after a re-connect with many queued transaction related messages.

OCPP Firmware Management profile

  • All required operations and configuration keys are supported
  • Configuration key SupportedFileTransferProtocols specified in errata v4.0 is supported
  • Diagnostics upload uses http(s) and form upload 


OCPP Firmware Management profile limitations

  • FTP(s) is not supported 
  • Diagnostics log must be enabled by zaptec on individual device for it to be available and work as expected. 

 OCPP Local Auth List Management profile

  • All required operations and configuration keys are supported 
  • Authorization list is set to allow 1024 entries and allow 255 entries in a single SendLocalList operation 


OCPP Reservation profile

  • All operations and configuration keys are supported 

OCPP Reservation profile limitations

  • If Authorization is set to not required, then active reservations will be cancelled and new reservations will be rejected until authorization is set to required.


OCPP Smart Charging profile

  •  All required operations and configuration keys are supported 

OCPP Smart Charging profile limitations

  • Configuration for ConnectorSwitch3to1PhaseSupported is not supported 
  • Only 'A' is allowed as ChargingRateUnitType 
  • startSchedule is required on recurring schedules 

OCPP Remote Trigger profile

  • All operations are supported  

OCPP security (whitepaper edition 3)

  • Added configuration key for SecurityProfile
  • Added configuration key for AuthorizationKey

OCPP security (whitepaper edition 3) limitations

  • SecurityProfile can only be set to 0 or 1.
  • SecurityProfile 1 may connect to wss:// but will not check the CS(MS) identity via the certificate. It will only use the protocol and send basic auth.
  • Configuration for AdditionalRootCertificateCheck is not supported
  • Configuration for CertificateSignedMaxChainSize is not supported
  • Configuration for CertificateStoreMaxLength is not supported
  • Configuration for CpoName is not supported
  • CertificateSigned is not supported
  • DeleteCertificate is not supported
  • ExtendedTriggerMessage is not supported
  • GetInstalledCertificateIds is not supported
  • GetLog is not supported
  • InstallCertificate is not supported
  • LogStatusNotification is not supported
  • SecurityEventNotification is not supported
  • SignCertificate is not supported
  • SignedFirmwareStatusNotification is not supported
  • SignedUpdateFirmware is not supported

Zaptec power management

  • Zaptec power management is not supported

Zaptec app

  • Older versions of the Zaptec app may display a warning that the charging station is in Standalone mode when OCPP native mode is enabled. This warning can be safely ignored.
  • In newer versions of the Zaptec app, charging stations in OCPP native mode will not appear in the Zaptec app dashboard


Known issues

  1. A rare issue may cause a reset to fail.
  2. A charging station may not transition to faulted in a state that prevents charging and signal fault via red LED.
  3. DiagnosticsStatus may be sent as status Uploaded when diagnostics log has not been requested without the feature having been enabled by Zaptec.
  4.  A rare issue may cause a crash at an hourly synchronization event under specific circumstances. It is believed to only happen when SmartCharging profile requests the CP to change from/to SuspendedEV very often.
  5. CP may not reconnect automatically after CS(MS) sends specific disconnect event.

OCPP Core profile

  • All required operations and configuration keys are supported
  • Authorization cache is supported
  • Configuration key MessageTimeout specified in errata v4.0 is supported
  • Configuration key StopTransactionMaxMeterValues specified in errata v4.0 is supported
  • Optional Configuration key AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId is supported
  • Optional Configuration key AuthorizationCacheEnabled is supported
  • Optional Configuration key ConnectorPhaseRotationMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key LightIntensity is supported
  • Optional Configuration key MeterValuesAlignedDataMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key MeterValuesSampledDataMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key MinimumStatusDuration is supported
  • Optional Configuration key StopTxnAlignedDataMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key StopTxnSampledDataMaxLength is supported
  • Optional Configuration key SupportedFeatureProfilesMaxLength is supported

OCPP Core profile limitations

  • Configuration for BlinkRepeat is not supported
  • Configuration for MaxEnergyOnInvalidId is not supported
  • Configuration keys specified outside of OCPP such as MeterValuesSignatureContexts, StopTransactionSignatureContexts, and StopTransactionSignatureFormat mentioned in OCMF are not supported
  • Meter values are always sent as raw
  • Meter value intervals can be set to any number between 0 and UINT32_T. It has been tested with short intervals and no issue has been observed with 1-second intervals, but this has not been tested with high load or poor network connectivity. Some measurands are sampled at close to 1-second intervals and the meter value may therefore be up to approximately 1 second old when sent with OCPP.
  • Configuration key for StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect is set to true and not write protected, but can only be set to true by CS. This is to conform to OCPP specification 1.6 prior to errata v4.0
  • CP clock is synchronised with NTP and not CS.
  • CP expects CS to use timestamp in UTC
  • Some optional parameters for BootNotification.req (meterSerialNumber, meterType) is not sent and others (iccid, imsi) may only be sent when LTE has been used before boot notification and after last reset
  • MeterValues are not measured from EV, cable, or grid locations
  • Only a few measurands are supported: Current. Import, Current.Offered, Energy.Active.Import.Register, Energy.Active.Import.Interval, Temperature, Voltage
  • CP does not have an Emergency stop button
  • StatusNotifications that were generated and not sent before CP detected offline will not be deleted and may be sent after CP re-connects. StatusNotification for state transition while offline will be sent with timestamp for when CP came online.
  • StatusNotifications with errors will not be queued when offline.

OCPP Firmware Management profile

  • All required operations and configuration keys are supported
  • Configuration key SupportedFileTransferProtocols specified in errata v4.0 is supported
  • Diagnostics upload uses http(s) and form upload

OCPP Firmware Management profile limitations

  • FTP(s) is not supported
  • Diagnostics log must be enabled by Zaptec on specific devices for it to be available
  • We do not distribute firmware files; all firmware updates are provided by the Zaptec cloud

OCPP Local Auth List Management profile

  • All required operations and configuration keys are supported
  • Authorisation list is set to allow 1024 entries and 255 entries in a single SendLocalList operation

OCPP Reservation profile

  • All operations and configuration keys are supported

OCPP Reservation profile limitations

  • If Authorisation is set to not required, then active reservations will be canceled and new reservations will be rejected until authorisation is set to required.

OCPP Smart Charging profile

  • All required operations and configuration keys are supported

OCPP Smart Charging profile limitations

  • Configuration for ConnectorSwitch3to1PhaseSupported is not supported

OCPP Remote Trigger profile

  • All operations are supported

OCPP security (whitepaper edition 3)

  • Added configuration key for SecurityProfile
  • Added configuration key for AuthorisationKey

OCPP security (whitepaper edition 3) limitations

  • SecurityProfile can only be set to 0 or 1.
  • SecurityProfile 1 may connect to wss:// but will not check the CS(MS) identity via the certificate. It will only use the protocol and send basic auth.
  • Configuration for AdditionalRootCertificateCheck is not supported
  • Configuration for CertificateSignedMaxChainSize is not supported
  • Configuration for CertificateStoreMaxLength is not supported
  • Configuration for CpoName is not supported
  • CertificateSigned is not supported
  • DeleteCertificate is not supported
  • ExtendedTriggerMessage is not supported
  • GetInstalledCertificateIds is not supported
  • GetLog is not supported
  • InstallCertificate is not supported
  • LogStatusNotification is not supported
  • SecurityEventNotification is not supported
  • SignCertificate is not supported
  • SignedFirmwareStatusNotification is not supported
  • SignedUpdateFirmware is not supported

Zaptec power management

  • Zaptec power management is not supported.

Zaptec app

  • Older versions of the Zaptec app may display a warning that the charging station is in Standalone mode when OCPP native mode is enabled. This warning can be safely ignored.
  • In newer versions of the Zaptec app, charging stations in OCPP native mode will not appear in the Zaptec app dashboard.
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