How to create a Zaptec account

The Zaptec app is a great tool for monitoring and managing your charger. You can download it from App Store or Google Play. Once your electrician has completed the installation, you can create your Zaptec user account and register your charger. You can set up your user profile either through the Zaptec Portal or the Zaptec app.

Create your Zaptec account

  1. Open the app or portal and fill in your details: First name, Last name, Email, Password, and Country.
  2. Tap Create Account.
  3. Activate your account by opening the activation link sent to your e-mail.
  4. You can now log in with your new account.

Login dashboard.jpg

Your Zaptec account works for both the Zaptec app and the Zaptec Portal. 


If your user profile doesn't have access to a charging station, you won't be able to start charging if authentication is required. Contact the charging system administrator for access. Zaptec provides charging stations, but user management is handled locally by the installation administrator.


Are you an installer?

We recommend creating a Zaptec account before installing the Zaptec chargers. As a Zaptec Installer, your account should also be added to a User Group. Being a part of your company's User Group will give you access to creating Zaptec Pro installations and more.


To get a user group you need to complete the Zaptec Certification course. If you have already completed the course but do not have a user group, please contact your TAM or Zaptec Technical support.


Delete your account

  • To permanently delete your Zaptec account, please email us at:
  • If you're moving or would like to transfer your charging station to another owner, click here. 


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