Yes, Zaptec charging stations can charge all types of electric vehicles.
Charging the Renault Zoe does however have a challenge on the IT power grid. The reason is that Renault Zoe only supports charging on TN network.
For more detailed information, click here.
If you have a Renault Zoe and your home is connected to an IT network a solution can be:
- Use a portable isolation transformer with a type 2 to schuko adapter to charge from the charging stations that are not connected to the TN network. With the trafo cable, you will not need to change any installation settings.
- Connect an isolating transformer on the circuit to the charging box(es). In this case, it's important to remember that it is not possible to combine different electrical grids in the Zaptec Portal (ZapCloud). If the trafo is only connected in front of one charging station you need to create a separate installation in the portal with a TN network.
Please note that using a transformer will not increase the charging effect.