Supported OCPP Messages

The following is the list of supported OCPP commands 

In certain cases, Zaptec have simplified the process of some of the commands, these changes are mentioned below where applicable.

OCPP 1.6 specification referenced below relates to 'Open Charge Point Protocol 1.6 edition 2 Final' documentation.

For OCPP commands supported by Zaptec Go in OCPP Native mode, please refer to the Zaptec Go OCPP Native support notes

Operations Initiated by Charge Point


This process is described in chapter 4.1 Authorize of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 4.2 Boot Notification of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 4.6 Heartbeat of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 4.7 Meter Values of the OCPP 1.6 specification.

By default, meter values are sent every 2 minutes when charger has an active transaction.

Interval can be changed using configuration key.


Supported Meter Value Measurements

measurand: Power.Active.Import

unit: W

measurand: Energy.Active.Import.Register

unit: kWh

measurand: Power.Offered

unit: W

measurand": "Current.Import",

phase: L1-N

unit: A

measurand: Current.Import

phase: L2-N

unit: A

measurand: Current.Import,

phase: L3-N

unit: A



This process is described in chapter 4.7 Meter Values of the OCPP 1.6 specification.

Set to 0 to disable meter values.


This process is described in chapter 4.8 Start Transaction of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 4.10 Stop Transaction of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 4.9 Status Notification of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


Operations Initiated by Central System


This process is described in chapter 5.2 Change Availability of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.3 Change Configuration of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.4 Clear Cache of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.8 Get Configuration of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.11 Remote Start Transaction of the OCPP 1.6 specification.

IdTag set using this method will time out after 120s


This process is described in chapter 5.12 Remote Stop Transaction of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.14 Reset of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.18 Unlock Connector of the OCPP 1.6 specification.

This is provided but non-functional (returns UnlockStatus.NotSupported)


This process is described in chapter 5.9 Get Diagnostics of the OCPP 1.6 specification.

Charger will upload a set of pre-defined observation values to the provided FTP or HTTP POST location


This process is described in chapter 5.19 Update Firmware of the OCPP 1.6 specification.

Location is ignored and firmware will always be downloaded from ZapCloud. RetrieveDate and Retries are ignored, and firmware update will be instantly triggered


This process is described in chapter 5.15 Send Local List of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.10 Get Local List Version of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


This process is described in chapter 5.13 Reserve Now of the OCPP 1.6 specification. Further details of the Zaptec implementation of this can be found here 


This process is described in chapter 5.17 Trigger Message of the OCPP 1.6 specification.


Custom Configuration Keys

Zaptec charger’s support the following custom OCPP configuration keys:


If this config option is set to true, the charger will skip Authorize-call before starting a transaction and will go directly to StartTransaction. When free charging is enabled, the StartTransaction’s idTag will be populated with an empty string, or the configured default idTag.

The default idTag can be set from Zaptec Portal, or through the FreeChargingIdTag configuration key.

Authorization needs to be enabled in the Zaptec Portal to use this feature. The FreeCharging config value will be read only if authorization is not enabled.


The idTag to use in free charging mode. See more in the FreeCharging custom configuration key.


If this config is set to true, the connected cable will permanently lock to the charging station. It will stay permanently locked until the setting is set to false, or it is unlocked in Zaptec Portal or app.


Configuration Keys Returned by GetConfiguration

The following are a list of Configuration Keys returned related to Zaptec Chargers. Note: Some of these values will be read only.

  • NumberOfConnectors 
  • SupportedFeatureProfiles
  • WebSocketPingInterval
  • AuthorizeRemoteTxRequests
  • StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect
  • StopTransactionOnInvalidId
  • MeterValueSampleInterval
  • HeartbeatInterval
  • ChargeProfileMaxStackLevel
  • ChargingScheduleAllowedChargingRateUnit
  • ChargingScheduleMaxPeriods
  • MaxChargingProfilesInstalled
  • LocalPreAuthorize
  • LocalAuthorizeOffline
  • SendLocalListMaxLength
  • FreeCharging
  • FreeChargingIdTag
  • LockCablePermanently



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