Troubleshooting Zaptec Sense

Are you experiencing issues with setup or while using Zaptec Sense? Maybe some of these troubleshooting tips will help. Use the table of contents on the right. 

When experiencing problems with the Zaptec Sense start by checking the indicator light on the module. Use the guide in the user manual to find out what it means. If this does not help go through the following steps: 

  1. Is the HAN port open?
  2. Is it connected to the internet? 
  3. Does the values in the Portal settings match the IRL installation?
  4. Main fuse over 63A? If so, is the scaling factor correct? 
  5. What type of AMS is this? Maybe it needs an external power supply.  
  6. Is this an IT installation? If so, check if there is enough power on two phases. 
  7. Is the charger wired correctly? 


Not able to contact Zaptec Sense via Zaptec app

If you are in the installation process and aren't able to get any contact with the Sense in the app, please check the following things: 

  • The Zaptec app has Bluetooth access 
  • You have the latest app version. 
  • The HAN port has been opened by the grid company
  • Try to disconnect Zaptec Sense from the e-meter, wait 1 min, and reconnect.  

You can also try to disconnect Zaptec Sense from the e-meter, wait 1 min, and reconnect.  


Zaptec Sense is offline 

Zaptec Sense is dependent on an internet connection to communicate with the Zaptec Portal.

If Zaptec Sense goes offline it will look like this in the portal and the current will drop down to the minimum current setting (on the charger) to avoid tripping any circuit breakers.


We have experienced two different reasons that may cause Sense to go offline.

  1. Zaptec Sense is not configured in the Zaptec app.
  2. Not able to connect because the Wi-FI is not according to requirements and recommendations from Zaptec. 

What to do:

  1. Log in via the Zaptec app and set up a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Check that the WiFi is according to our Zaptec requirements and recommendations. All Zaptec products require a 2,4 GHz connection and won't connect to 5GHz Wi-Fi networks.
    1. If Zaptec Sense light flashes two timesScreenshot_2022-11-23_at_07.56.03.png it means it has not received any IP address. In other words not connected to the internet.
    2. But if the light only flashes one time Screenshot_2022-11-23_at_07.56.09.pngit means that IP is received, but no contact with the cloud. In this case, it could due to the network specifications. 


Zaptec Sense does not report correct measurements

If Zaptec Sense does not give out correct or any measurements at all, here are some troubleshooting tips: 

HAN port is not open

Make sure that the HAN-port has been opened by the grid company. If this is not done Zaptec Sense has no way of getting any data from the HAN-port. No M-bus.

Wrong scaling factor

If a scaling factor is required, make sure that the value is correct. Some AMS meters require a "scaling factor" for accurate measurement. This factor is the difference between the primary and the secondary side of the measurement transformer. Check your meter's documentation for the correct value. The scaling factor is to be found on the trafo. 

  • Example: If the CT turnover ratio is 100:5 = Scaling factor 20.
  • Example: If the CT turnover ratio is 50:1 = Scaling factor 50.

When to use it:

  • Directly measured AMS (up to 50A): Most homes use an AMS electricity meter with a 1:1 CT ratio, meaning the measured electricity from the meter matches the data sent via the HAN port. If this ratio is not 1:1, the reading from the HAN port will not be correct. You will then need to correct with a scaling factor that is entered in the Zaptec Portal under Power management for APM.
  • Indirectly measured AMS current meters (From 50A): For indirectly measured AMS (> 63A Main fuse) or if there are different ratio data values output on the HAN port on the AMS current meter than measured, a scaling factor must be applied in the Zaptec Portal under Power management to correct the CT turnover ratio.

AMS specifications not taken into consideration 

Find out what type of AMS is used at installation. Does the smart meter have any specifications that need to be considered? E.g Kamstrup meters require an external power supply. 

Kamstrup Omnipower (with RJ45 module)


  • External power required: If your Zaptec Sense is delivered with FW or lower, an external power supply (micro-USB) is needed for RJ-45 connection. The power adapter is not included, but a standard 5VDC phone charger with a micro USB-B connector will work.
  • Known issue: Kamstrup meters may restart frequently unless connected to an external power source, as their HAN port does not provide enough power. While Kamstrup meters lack a built-in HAN module, it's likely installed during the smart meter upgrade or can be sent to you by mail at no cost. The HAN module is a transition to the RJ45 connector, commonly used by third-party suppliers to connect to the meter.


Aidon 6534

  • No external power adapter is needed.
  • Measurement note: Aidon smart meters for IT3-phase do not measure L2 directly. Zaptec Sense estimates this value based on L1 and L3 readings, which is usually accurate but may lead to slight overestimations. Most meters provide measurements on all three phases, and we're exploring a possible firmware update on Zaptec Sense to address this.
  • If preferred, an installer can rewire your setup from 3-phase to 1-phase. In this case, it's important that phases 1 and 3 on the smart meter are aligned with neutral (N) and L1 on the charger. The Zaptec app settings will also need to be adjusted to an IT 1-phase grid type, with the phase pair set to 1/3.


  • Most Kaifa -Nuri meters already have a built-in HAN module, so you'll just need to activate the HAN port, and all equipment can be connected directly to the meter behind the small cover on the left. 
  • Measurement notes: The Kaifa model MA304T3 doesn't measure L2, as stated in its specifications. This type of AMS with external current measurement is less used in private homes.


E-meter is wired incorrectly

Make sure that the e-meter is wired correctly.

For customers with IT 3-phase gird, this could have happened during the installation of a new AMS meter. On older energy meters it is more difficult to separate the wires from each other. This is because they are often the same size (16kvd) and color (black) and are not marked with anything. 

What might have happened is that two wires could have been switched so that the phase rotation is L2-L1-L3 instead of L1-L2-L3.  If this happens the phase rotation is most likely not the same as the one set up by the installer. 
The problem occurs when the charger sends a command to start charging on L1, but this is not the phase that is used. This could make the fuse trip or that they are not able to charge at all. 

This is a difficult problem to solve for the installer. Luckily we are able to help them remotely. If you think this is the issue, please escalate the ticket to 3. rd line support.  


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